Truck Fires Program – Reducing the Risk of Heavy Vehicle Fires

ARTSA-I has developed Truck Fires guidance in partnership with the National Bulk Tanker Association (NBTA) and the Truck Industry Council (TIC). The guidance has been funded by the NHVR’s Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative.

Given the increasing upward trend in fire claims in the last 10 years, this series of manuals and videos looks at the major causes of truck and trailer fires, and how these fires can be reduced.

The guidance information consists of 4 manuals and six videos.

Download the 4 manuals by clicking the links below:

Part 1 : Fire risk guide – A detailed look at causes of fire in trucks and trailers
Part 2 : Drivers guide – What drivers can do to lessen the risk of fires
Part 3 : Maintenance guide – What maintenance staff and fleet controllers can do to prevent fires
Part 4 : Fire investigation guide – Advice on how to conduct a fire investigation

The six videos including 4 toolbox videos are available at the ARTSA-i Youtube Channel

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