Some holiday reading. Actually quite a lot but its a good time to get through some of this detail! Also don’t forget that each of our ARTSA Matters sits on the website at and is accessible at any time.
Read on!
ARTSA’s final meeting for 2018, held at LaTrobe Golf Club in Melbourne covered the bases in terms of industry representation (SVSEG, TLG, TWG, IAG, Recalls) and much more.
Minutes are here. Whilst there appears to be much activity in Government circles real progress is very slow. This is the inevitability of the Government process which does require considerable process to progress!!
Our program starts with the first meeting at the new Izuzu headquarters in Truganina on the 12th February at 8.30am. Download the year’s program here and put it in your diary.
Our focus will be on establishing the concept of the “ARTSA Institute” and giving the heavy vehicle sector a firmer voice in its future direction. This will require some serious effort in collaboration and we also need to consider the benefits of stand-alone versus collaboration models of operation and even a possible merger in future. This will be the strong focus of the February 12th meeting.
The papers from the SVSEG meeting of 6 December are here.
Marcus Coleman is the ARTSA rep and you can discuss specifics with Marcus.
Papers include:
Papers from the TLG meeting on the 8th November are here.
Ian Thomson is the ARTSA rep and you can discuss specifics with Ian.
Papers include:
Papers from the 18th November AIG meeting are here
Colin White and Gerard Waldron attend on behalf of ARTSA
The presentation includes topics:
If you get this far and have truly looked at the notes and links then it is time to sign off for the year. Thanks for your support in 2018 and we look forward to a very productive and potentially game-changing year in 2019
Rob Perkins
Executive Director
Australian Road Transport Suppliers Association Inc
tel 0411 402 832